The second edition of the HYDROVERSE CONVENTION took place on June 18, 2024 at the Colosseum Theatre in Essen, Germany, with almost 600 hydrogen experts from all over Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA. We gathered the brightest entrepreneurs, experts and start-ups to showcase the huge potential and innovative power driving the energy transition and the hydrogen economy.

More than 50 international H2 start-ups provided input on current technologies and the future of the industry – on stage and in our exhibition.
For the first time, we were also joined by Premium Supporters and Exhibition Partners, namely EWG, Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr, JETRO – Japan External Trade Organization, NRW.BANK, OGE, TÜV SÜD, ZAZ Ventures and Zukunft Gas. Thank you for showing what established industry players have to offer in terms of hydrogen innovation.
Contrasting keynotes

Our two keynote speeches demonstrated the broad scope of the international discussion on the importance of hydrogen.
Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO of Hydrogen Europe, made a strong case for a rapid expansion of the hydrogen economy, commented on the impact of the European election results on the hydrogen strategy, and argued for more flexibility and better funding options for various applications and projects currently underway. “The end of the rainbow” was his phrase for the need to open up the hydrogen color theory.
On the other hand, Michael Liebreich, host of the “Cleaning Up” podcast, warned against exaggerated expectations for hydrogen and addressed the huge amount of funding needed to meet the targets set by policymakers around the world. He made it clear that the key is to focus on affordable and unavoidable issues – according to his hydrogen ladder.
Both positions were the subject of lively debate during our networking breaks and in the exhibition area.
Pitches and panels showcase the future of the industry
In three panels, experts shared their experiences of building the hydrogen economy and working with start-ups.

A big thank you to our international H2 experts: Trevor Best, Dr. Niklas Friederichsen, Luc Graré, Juergen Groenner, Thomas Hüwener, Philip Kessler, Guillaume Lesueur, Dr. Christoph Noeres, Martin Skov Skjøth-Rasmussen, Dr. Sopna Sury, Christian Olshausen and Marko Virkebau.
HYDROVERSE CONVENTION award goes to Stargate Hydrogen

At the end of the day we presented our HYDROVERSE CONVENTION Award, sponsored by NRW.BANK, to the lucky winner Marko Virkebau from Stargate Hydrogen. He convinced our international jury with his innovative alkaline electrolyser, which uses breakthrough materials to achieve higher current densities without using precious metals. H2UB CEO Uwe Kerkmann and Anke Hosse-Doblinger from NRW.BANK presented the award with a symbolic prize money of 2024 Euros.
Beyond the official agenda, what really made the HYDROVERSE CONVENTION a success was the energy and enthusiasm of each and every participant!

Must-see moments from the HYDROVERSE CONVENTION 2024
Missed the HYDROVERSE CONVENTION 2024? Don’t worry, we‘ll be back next year on June 26th, 2025!
Check out our event website and pre-register for the ticket sales: